What has happened to the natural joy of learning?

Sometimes children and adolescents suffer a loss of enthusiasm for school and learning. In the first years of school this is often due to the difficulty in learning the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. In later years though, a number of equally difficult topics may present themselves as obstacles to many pupils. In both cases, it is possible to adopt an active approach to tackling them. Integrative learning therapy and study coaching is able to achieve excellent results.

What is the difference between integrative learning therapy and study coaching?


Integrative learning therapy

Integrative learning therapy is a form of targeted therapeutic support for specific performance deficits such as dyslexia and dyscalculia. However, even children who have no specific performance deficits but still have distinct difficulties with reading, writing or arithmetic may find that learning therapy is an effective way to derive more pleasure from learning. 

integrative lerntherapie

As a learning therapist, I support children in developing a positive image of written language and in finding their way in the world of mathematics. In this process, it is particularly important for me to integrate each child’s own resources into the learning process. And there is one target here: allowing the pleasure of language, reading and arithmetic to emerge (again).

Sometimes matters are even more complicated. Multilingualism in a child may present an additional obstacle to the process of learning the written language of school or also mathematics. Encouragement that is sensitive to language and culture helps children to recognize their multilingualism as the valuable treasure that it certainly is. At the same time, this approach further develops the written language of the school so that the children are able to display their own abilities in an appropriate manner.


Study coaching

At the right tempo and with a clear target, learning is a joyful, life-long process. Nevertheless, the daily routine of school and learning sometimes places obstacles in our path. Some of these obstacles may even appear too great to overcome. Anxieties, worries and declining achievements at school may have a strong impact on making pupils feel insecure. Sometimes this reduces or even blocks the natural will to learn. It is not uncommon for this to cause a stressful situation for young people and their family environment.

As a study coach, I support children and young adults from the age of about 12 in formulating targets, identifying resources, establishing motivation, setting working processes in motion and keeping all these processes running. My aim is to help young people to help themselves – by providing them with learning methods that are applicable to all subjects.

Parents Counselling

‘Does it always have to be private tutoring? What is the difference between integrative learning therapy and study coaching?’

The range of digital and analogue learning aids is confusing. The terms are often confusing and not legally protected. What distinguishes tutoring from learning support, study coaching or learning therapy? What is special about integrative learning therapy? When does a digital service make sense and when is an analogue service preferable? And above all: What is the right programme for my child?

In an initial consultation, we take the time to understand and analyse the child's or young person's individual learning situation. The aim of such parental counselling is to find out which initial steps will lead to more ease in your child's everyday school life, how you can implement them and thus gradually bring your child closer to the natural joy of learning again.


My wish is to give every child and young person the opportunity to intuitively pursue their own desire to learn and to develop confidence in their personal creativity and their own ability. In this way, they can use their self-efficacy to recognize and achieve their own targets.

Bookworm, fan of foreign languages, learning therapist and a passionate study coach

I am a fan of languages and learning. What fascinates me are linguistic structures, differences and commonalities of various foreign languages, the diversity of imagery and the precision of mathematics as a language. Every form of language provides me with insights into the cultural and creative ideas of other people and allows me to keep learning. There is nothing I like doing more than sharing my fascination for learning and language with children and young adults.
